CatSynth video: Serge modular * Dubstep

From TQDOQ on YouTube, via matrxsynth. See if you can spot the cat.

This is the way we do it in Japan. Dubstep music using TRAKTOR and a
vintage design Serge Modular synthesizer.
Syncing is accomplished over Wi-Fi MIDI clock, with TRAKTOR as the
master and Ableton Live as slave. Latency is compensated “on the

This set up is being ported to local clubs in Tokyo, where the DJ
lives. The cat “nyamu” lives in a tower, inside the studio…

CatSynth pic: Appliancide (mostly) DIY modular

From Appliancide, where you can read more about the project.

I ordered some knobs and switch covers for the Doepfer modules, so they will blend in with my DIY stuff better. I am working on a second case and the modules to fill it. I will try to do a start-to-finish pictorial on one the modules this coming year. We’ll see. I like to build slow and rock out to music. Taking pictures cramps my style.

Also on matrixsynth:

“Clockwise starting from the upper left:

Doepfer a-111 VCO, Dual CGS/Serge DUSG, Doepfer a-188-1 256 stage BBD, Doepfer a-188-1 4096 stage BBD, DIY manual gate/lag generator, Doepfer a-135 mixer, Doepfer a-101-2 LPG, DIY version of Fonitronik Attenuverting Mixer and Buchla 292C LPG clone using boards from Thomas White.”

CatSynth pic: Not Quite Quad Slope

From Appliancide (via matrixsynth).

More info via this link.

“Like most modular synthesizer users and builders, I suffer from Serge envy. Thankfully for all of us, Ken Stone licensed some of Serge’s designs to sell as CGS PCBs.

Here is my first module using these Serge designs”

The cat in the first photo is the “project supervisor.”

As another feline reference, “CGS” is “Cat Girl Synth”.

CatSynth pic: Tali and Serge

From Carbon111, via matrixsynth:

There is also a wallpaper-sized version on SYNTHWIRE.

For those who may not know, the Serge Modular Synthesizers are kits that can be assembled to build large custom analog synthesizers. There are classic editions, and new editions. You can visit matrixsynth for more images and info, or visit the unofficial fan site.

You also check out more Cats on Tuesday

CatSynth pic: Freddie chilling on the Serge

Submitted by Knox Bronson at SunPopBlue:

Bronson has collaborated with Gustvo Lanzas (who provided the recent video of Apu the “Acid Cat”) on an interesting improvisation featuring the Serge (and an E-MU SP-1200!) called Where The Bees Are. Check out the free mp3.

And there is still more fun with Freddie at SunPopBlue. Check out his video Sleep (An Homage to Andy Warhol):

Ah, wasn't it only a day or so ago that we were again reminiscing about New York in the 1970s?