A beautiful cat resting on a beautiful wooden keyboard console. From @nadiaudio on Twitter.
We at CatSynth agree. Big Merp is often our desk kitty, although he is big and our desk is small.
A beautiful cat resting on a beautiful wooden keyboard console. From @nadiaudio on Twitter.
We at CatSynth agree. Big Merp is often our desk kitty, although he is big and our desk is small.
A Lynx Point Siamese kitten in a Serge Modular. From autowitch on Instagram.
Please visit autowitch’s bandcamp to find out more about their music.
This beautiful Siamese cat is holding court in a studio featuring an Akai APC40 controller (for Ableton Live), a pair of Korg Kaoss pads, and a Keith McMillen (KMI) QuNexus controller. And that appears to be a dead furby next to the cat.
Submitted by sgt.dingo via our Instagram.
Eat your heart out, @catsynth 🙌🙌😆🎶🎵🥰❤️😻
Yes, that’s a Furby pelt pop filter.
Two of my favorite local institutions, the Vintage Synthesizer Museum and the Cat Man of West Oakland, are back together again for this photoshoot featuring a beautiful siamese cat and the Octave CAT synthesizer.
I particularly like seeing the CATStick, which I had a chance to play when I visited the Vintage Synthesizer Museum last year.
Some more adorable images of a Cat on a Cat 😸
Siamese Cat (aka “meezer”) with a modular synth. From alissaderubeis on Instagram.
I had a lot of fun in California. Special thanks to kitty for making it so I can finally do this cat synth thing. ❤️#catsynth#catsonsynths#catsingeneral#eurorack
We, of course, think California is a fine place for cats and synths.
Adorable Siamese cat with a Korg MS-20 synth as well as an E-MU Emax workstation! From _mgo_ on Instagram.
Originally titled “Analog and digital Synths work together…Mini Moog, Synthesizers.com.” From Synthiefrau on YouTube, via matrixsynth:
Hi Folks, the night is cold and grey and I play Synthesizers. Sorry for the mistakes, I play live. My siamese cat Cleo listening, she love Synths also. Mini moog leadsound, Synton Syrinx leadsound, the sequenz is from the Modularsystem, My left Hand played the Roland V-Synth. Effects comes from the Roland Juno 60 and my little “kloiner Racker” Doepfer Dark Energie.
Synthesizers are my life!!1
Watch Cleo during the video. Like Luna, she sits quietly and puts up with her human’s weird sounds, but will make it very clear when she wants some attention for herself.