Miep and Kawaii SX-240

Our old friend Miep is back, this time with a vintage Kawaii SX-240 synthesizer. Submitted by Dennis Matana.

The SX-240 was a polyphonic analog synthesizer released in 1984 and is similar in many ways to the Roland Juno 60. But it did have its own distinct sound. Plus, it had MIDI and a nice display for loading and saving patches. It was overshadowed by the similar synths from Roland and Korg, and also came at the moment in the early-to-mid 1980s as analog synthesizers were falling out of favor compared to digital synthesizers (FM and sampling). They are quite rare these days, and Miep is lucky to have one.

Sissi Albert Moog

Sissy Albert Moog sits in the middle of a studio; quite appropriately, she sits atop a Moog semi-modular unit. We also see an Arturia MicroFreak, and offerings from Roland, Behringer, Dreadbox, Doepfer, Tiptop Audio, Elektron and more.

From nice_off_1 on Instagram.

My Home Studio (in progress) with Sissi Albert Moog 😺😊

We at CatSynth think the studio is coming along quite nicely.

Orion in the Studio

Orion joins us again. He’s doing scratch’n’roll in front of a tower of synths including a Waldorf Quantum (a unit we at CatSynth have lusted after), a Linnstrument, Sequental P6, AMS Hydrasynth Desktop, and more. It looks like they have also installed the Serge panels from this previous post into the larger studio setup.

From Justin Sullivan (@justin3am) on Twitter.

Borris and Teisco Synthesizer 110F

Tabby cat on a chair behind a Teisco Synthesizer 110F (analog synthesizer from 1980)

Borris proudly shows off his Teisco Synthesizer 110F. Submitted by Edda Jayne Hill via our Facebook page.

Borris posing with his fave synth.

He is very proud that he can operate it and get crazy sci-fi sounds from this thing, the other day he made it sound like a cat meowing 😸

We at CatSynth would love to hear some of Borris’ patches.

The Teisco S110F is a two-oscillator analog synthesizer released by Kawaii (under their Teisco brand) in 1980. It is a classic-style subtractive analog synth with resonant VCF, a high-pass filter and the usual envelopes, LFO, and sample-and-hold for modulation.