CatSynth Pic: Black Cat on Moog Grandmother

Beautiful black cat with Moog Grandmother synthesizer

An adorable black cat performs on a Moog Grandmother synthesizer. We also a Korg Volca and a nice-looking Zoom R16 audio interface nearby. From Drew Christopher Ratliff‎ via Facebook.

I absolutely love this beautiful little cat with black fur and green eyes. But it does remind me a bit of our sweet Luna, so this is a little layer of sadness along with the beauty.

The Moog Grandmother is part of the semi-modular series that also includes the Mother-32 and the Matriarch. They are all very accessible ways to get into Moog synthesizers. And they have a colorful design reminiscent of the MG-1.

CatSynth Pic: Milo and Modular

We wrap up our week of Milo and Jet with this picture of Jet leaning against a modular synth. This is a pose worthy of Big Merp 😸

Thanks to Keith Winstanley for all the pics. We will feature Milo and Jet in the regular rotation going forward. If your cat has posed with synthesizers or any other musical instruments, please let us know in the comments, via Facebook, or Twitter @catsynth.

CatSynth Pic: Moog/Realistic MG-1

This cat is showing off a great find: a Moog MG-1, which was made for the Realistic (Radio Shack) brand in the early 1980s. From Paul Cunningham via Facebook.

Found this Moog at the pawn shop. Already had the cat. Look it’s got all it’s slider knobs!

The slider knobs (and other knobs) do fit the industrial design of the time. And the colorful section borders suggest a precursor to Moog’s current Matriarch series. It is, nonetheless, a fully equipped analog subtractive synthesizer:

The MG-1 includes:

CatSynth Pic: Leo and Moog Subsequent 37 CV

Leo the black cat and Moog Subsequent 37 CV

Handsome Leo poses next to a Moog Subsequent 37 synthesizer. Submitted by jenny Grover via our Facebook page.

This appears to be one of the limited-edition Moog Subsequent 37 CV versions which were introduced at Moogfest. I must admit, we at CatSynth are a bit envious of Leo and Jenny on this one 😸🎹