CatSynth video: 猫の横でmonotribe

A rather catchy synth demo and cute cat. From askawaz on YouTube, via matrixsynth.

“KORG monotribeのスピーカーから鳴らしてみました。けっこう大きい音でますね。猫は興味を示しませんでした。”

Via Google translation:
“KORG monotribe tried to sound from the speakers. it sounds so big I get. The cat showed no interest.”

CatSynth pic: Diego and Befaco Slicer Prototype

From comun y corriente, via matrixsynth:

Googlish translation from matrixsynth:

The other Diego had domestic problems that will prevent you bring your Spanish guitar, so you will be forced to play with this wild animal.

And another picture from amstrad on flickr, featuring Kiska:

Finally, an update from c+c via the comments on matrixsynth:

ust a brief explanation of what was going on here… This was published a couple of days before our first Corrientazo, a concert featuring many musicians using compact synthesizers and DIY stuff. So we were announcing that Diego, from Befaco, was going to play with a prototype of their new Slicer / 8 step sequencer, to be released later this month (more info soon!).

Then I heard news from Amstrad that he was no longer going to play spanish guitar + MFB 522 in the concert, because the cat ate the guitar! So he brought his DIY modular, from the Befaco workshops, instead; and played it via MIDI from his iPhone!”

I would be curious to hear the iPhone + Befaco performance…

Preparing for tonight’s performance

I am busily getting ready for my next solo performance tonight.

Light A Fire: Amar Chaudhary, Zeina Nasr, Evangelista/Lowecki/Stuart
Monday, January 17 · 7:00pm – 10:00pm
Mama Buzz Cafe
2318 Telegraph Avenue
Oakland, CA

Please join us for creative music in three acts (incidentally the third Monday of the month)–featuring:

-Zeina Nasr
Emphatic, ethereal vocalisms

-Amar Chaudhary
Complex, articulate solo work with an electronic aesthetic

-Karl Evangelista/Shaun Lowecki/Doug Stuart Trio
-Animated, explosive inside/outside music

Hope to see you!
-Friendly Neighborhood Light A Fire Committee

I am once again using a relatively minimal setup (or as minimal as I can make it for a solo show).  There is the iPad (and the iPhone), the MacBook with a monome, and the Evolver.  I also have a couple of percussion instruments, and the dotara, an Indian string instrument.

For the iPad, I will be using the Curtis for iPad (shown in the photo below), along with the from Smule, the 古筝 (Guzheng) app, and the KORG iMS-20, among others.

Based on feedback from my last performance at the Omega Sound Fix, I am going to try and use fewer elements, particularly in the live sampling/looping section. I will start with the dotara, and layer the Magic Fiddle and guzheng model on top of it. I will be reusing some of the other elements that I have been having fun with, such as the Count Basie Big Band Remote from the Blue Note in Chicago controlled via the monome.

Luna wants to help out with preparations, too:

CatSynth pic: Bella

Submitted by Alessandro Cilano:

here’s my cat Bella, sitting on the chair of power at my desk.
She’s grumpy as there are too many places to fill in my modular and she’s not allowed to play with the patch cables…

We have seen some pictures in the past of his cat Guiliano.

CatSynth pic: Pallina the Synth Cat Strikes a Pose

Two photos from Davide Mancini, via matrixsynth:

“Pallina, my housecat. She also loves the analog warmth.”

“Same cat, another synth. She loves to sleep near the SIEL DK80, KaossPad3 and Tenori.on power supply… should be warm and humming there…”

We have seen Pallina before, click this tag to see her previous posts.