CatSynth pics: Mimi and Monsieur Gris

We happy to have a new picture of Mimi from our friend Eric Pochesci of, this time with a Roland Alpha Juno:

And we also introduce “her little brother called “Monsieur Gris” (Mister Grey) playing with Future Retro Revolution! he’s a bit shy :)”

I have to admit, the Future Retro Revolution has interested me for a while because if its visual appeal. I tried it a few times at NAMM, but it never made to the top of the priority list to acquire. Does anyone have any thoughts on it as an instrument?

CatSynth pic: Giuliano and Ikea Rast

Another from Alessandro featuring Giuliano, via facebook:

“Ikea Rast used as case for modular synth (cable holders, legs and desk are from Ikea too).
The cat is not.”

You can see other Ikea-based modular racks, including the Rast.

(I see Doepfer and MFB modules in the rack, and a Roland MC-505. Please feel free to provide your own identifications for the synths.)

CatSynth pic: Bella

Submitted by Alessandro Cilano:

here’s my cat Bella, sitting on the chair of power at my desk.
She’s grumpy as there are too many places to fill in my modular and she’s not allowed to play with the patch cables…

We have seen some pictures in the past of his cat Guiliano.