A cat floats as melodious sounds are performed on a Roland SH-101 and TR-606, along with the Korg MS-20. Form our friends at the Vintage Synthesizer Museum.
You can see our visit to the VSM in this video.
A cat floats as melodious sounds are performed on a Roland SH-101 and TR-606, along with the Korg MS-20. Form our friends at the Vintage Synthesizer Museum.
You can see our visit to the VSM in this video.
Milali returns, this time strolling atop a Roland Juno-106. We also see a Roland SH-101, and the MS-20 and Future Retro Revolution from her previous appearance.
From midiride via Instagram.
Lola (the calico cat) is inspecting a Roland MC-202 rhythm composer. From exfade_electronics via Instagram.
More accent? Lola (the cat) probably has a better grasp of the sequencer than I do!
The MC-202 was among Roland’s first grooveboxes. It has a synthesizer architecture (and visual look) similar to the original SH-101, but also looked ahead to the TB-303.
Primus programs a classic Roland TR-808. From Gunfire H. Horibly via our Facebook page.
The TR-808, or simple the 808 as it is affectionately known, was not an initial commercial success. It was only in production from 1980 to 1982 And its sounds were not particularly realistic, but it did have a distinct character than some artists of the time. It has since achieved a cult following and can be heard on more recordings than perhaps any other drum machine. Roland has also released two “reboots” in recent years, a “Boutique” TR-08 version and the TR-8s for the Aira series.
Blixa and Sasha are sitting together in the studio. We see Roland TR 707 and TR-8S rhythm machines, along with an Arturia DrumBrute. From Neil Parker via Facebook. 💕
I love these fluffy things more than anything.
I know the feeling. They are indeed so precious to us.
You can see more of Blixa and Sasha via Blixa’s tag on CatSynth.
Cute little Abby sits next to a tower of vintage keyboard synths. On top is a Roland Alpha Juno 1; below it is a Roland S-10 sampling synthesizer. On the bottom level is a Casio CZ3000. The last one is left as an exercise to the reader.
Submitted by Nikki Chavez via our Facebook page.
I managed to catch cute little fun-sized Abby in my studio today. She has a stern looking face, but that’s just the tortie-tude. She’s actually a sweetheart!!
A beautiful orange cat sits atop a Roland Juno-106 synthesizer. Below we see a Sequential Prophet 12 (keyboard edition). From guidecore on Instagram.
Hola Buenos Días~ let’s meet the cat synthesizer.. 🐱🎹
The Juno-106 and Prophet 12 are both fine instruments. We at CatSynth have a Prophet 12 – it’s a favorite. As for the Juno, we are enjoying our virtual edition from Arturia. You can see our recent tutorial and review in this video.
Leo is clearly proud of his minimalist road-ready setup featuring an Access Virus, Roland SP404sx, and Arturia Keystep Pro. Submitted by our friend @6bq9music via Twitter.
Here are some more pics of Leo with his setup.