CatSynth Pic: Synth Fortress

No, that’s not Sam Sam, but a similarly marked cat (at least from the back).  She is inside her own “synth fortress” with w Korg Poly-800, and Yamaha CS01, DX100, and VSS-30 synthesizers.  From thedigitalpurrgatory on Instagram.

Her very own (almost) color-coded fortress of synths while the wooden cat watches her sleep. [Korg Poly-800, Yamaha CS01, Yamaha DX100, Yamaha VSS-30] 

CatSynth Pic: Eli and Yamaha Reface DX

Handsome tabby Eli poses with a Yamaha Reface DX synthesizer. Submitted by Elias Laughton via our Facebook page.

Like Sam Sam and Luna, Eli was a shelter cat.  We always love hearing about shelter cats finding their forever homes.  If you are looking for a new feline addition to the family, please do consider adopting a rescue!

The Yamaha Reface DX is a reissue of the DX line from the 1980s, specifically, the 4-operator models like the DX27 or TX81Z.  It lacks some of the TX81Z’s features like alternate operator waveforms but adds some new elements like continuing feedback and each operator.  You can read more about it at Yamaha’s official page.


CatSynth Pic: Zook and Moog Sub 37 (and Yamaha CP4)

Today we have Zook posing next to a Moog Sub 37 synthesizer and atop a Yamaha CP4 stage piano.  Submitted by Scott Blasko via our Facebook page.

This is a beautiful photo, and the lighting and texture are incredible!  We can see Zook’s black fur, expression, and silhouette even against the dark background and the dark surface of the keyboard.  Well done!

CatSynth Pic: Black Cat and Vintage Keyboards

A black cat posing with several vintage small keyboards, including some familiar ones from Casio and Yamaha. From Milomi Studio on Instagram.

Some of these keyboards may be considered “toys”, but they are still musical instruments. I coveted some of these small keyboards before I discovered synthesizers. I do now have a Casio SK-1 that gets used in live performance.

CatSynth Pic: Eli and Yamaha Reface DX

Eli and Yamaha Reface

Meet Eli!  Here we seem him posing handsomely next to a Yamaha Reface DX synthesizer.

Eli, like Sam Sam and Luna, is a rescue cat, and is clearly thriving in his home 😺

The “Reface” series is Yamaha’s new line modeled on some of their classic instruments, similar to Roland’s “Boutique” line.  You can read more about the Yamaha Reface DX here.

KATOD – Haunted (official video)

Szarik that cat returns in this video from From KATOD’s upcoming album. via our Facebook page.

HQ audio:
Track from new, upcoming album (2018)
used instruments:
– Yamaha DX7
– Ambika synth
– electric guitar Jackson DK2S
– drums played on pads and written
– Atari 1040ST (as MIDI sequencer)

Written & directed by Mariusz Wasilewski
Girl #1 – Daria Cieniak
Girl #2 – Iwona Szylin
Boy #1 – Konrad Domaszewski
Boy #2 – Jakub Gryzowski
Cyborg cat #1 – Kamila Górka-Czarska
Cyborg cat #2 – Ilona Baran
Cat – Szarik cat
Camera operators: Stanisław Patejko, Mariusz Wasilewski, Marcin Czerwienny, Tomasz Kowal, Artur Tymański
Edited by Mariusz Wasilewski
Music performed by KATOD(Mariusz Wasilewski) – “Haunted” track from upcoming album (2018)
Make up & stylist, Catering & drinks – Sylvia Katarzyna, Kamila Górka-Czarska
Special thanks:
Mateusz Raginia (Fiat 125p owner), Sebastian Tawgien (VW Golf 1 owner), Krzysztof Grudziński (Taxi driver & help)
Produced by Mariusz Wasilewski

There is definitely a 1980s theme in the aesthetic as well as the instrumentation 😺

Yamaha DX7 (w/ 5 ROM Cartridges!) Digital FM Synthesizer 1983 + Sustain Pedal

Cat and DX7

Cat posing with a classic Yamaha DX7 FM synthesizer. Via this auction, via matrixsynth.

Comes with cartridge 3, which allows you to factory reset the DX7. Also I will send you my sysex library which includes patches I’ve found and made. You can easily send sysex patches to the DX7 via MIDI and a sysex librarian program.

Cartridges Included

• Yamaha 3, 64 Patches

• Yamaha 4, 64 Patches

• Yamaha DX7 Data Cartridge, 32 Patches

• Bo Tomlyn’s Best of the USA, 64 Patches

• Bo Tomlyn’s Top Forty, 64 Patches

This was the coveted instrument in the mid 1980s that I didn’t have, though I did get a TX81Z module which I have to this day. These days, we at CatSynth also have a Yamaha TX802 module (essentially a multitimbral timbral module that shares the DX7’s 6-operator FM architecture), so not much need for another. But if you are looking for this (in)famous instrument, this auction might be worth a look.

CatSynth Pic: Parmesan, Yamaha DX7, Korg Minilogue, and Scritches

This is Paremsan the cat. He comes to us courtesy of Anton Gabriel Largoza-Maza via our CatSynth page.

Parmesan paid a visit, looking at the strange new synth just beside the DX7.

What could this strange new synth be…

A Korg Minilogue! An excellent choice for humans and felines alike. But we think Parmesan particularly enjoys his scritches.