Weekend Cat Blogging #374

We at CatSynth are happy to be hosting Weekend Cat Blogging #374. If you would like to participate with your feline-related blog post, you can so so by leaving your name and link in the “linky widget” below. This is the first time we are actually trying this process for leaving links, so if it doesn’t work, please leave a comment instead.

This is going to be a another busy musical weekend, so we will likely not get to producing the detailed round-up until later…and that time has come, so let us continue.

Samantha, Clementine and Maverick are having some early morning fun. It looks dark, so it must be very early. But they are ready for the brighter part of the morning and invite everyone to come join them in play.

Wow, that is a lot of white kittens. All of home look quite a bit like Truffle and Brulee. And this is not an accident, as they welcome a special visitor this weekend. Follow the link to find out who it is.

The Cats of Wildcat Woods had a fun weekend. In addition to a brand new computer (which is usually fun unless it doesn’t work), they got to visit with Marg of Marg’s Animals. Marg is a regular supporter of our Wordless Wednesday photography here at CatSynth.

At Animal Shelter Volunteer, Maggie and Milo are enjoying a relaxing Sunday together. They are among the many wonderful cats at PAWS looking for their forever homes.

The inline “linky widget” was an interesting experiment this week. It seems like participants did not immediately see their links show up, though they are there now for me – and thus we have an actual WCB round-up. Please do let us know if you see them or have any other feedback, as we evaluate this feature for further use.

Weekend Cat Blogging: The Messy Desk

Luna sits in the command chair of our office/studio. Our common tools of late, the laptop, the Eurorack modular, and coffee mug sit nearby. The stack of CDs was for our recent radio show. This is of course the spot where most CatSynth posts originate as well.

The desk is quite a mess at the moment, which I don’t particularly like, but I haven’t had much time to remedy. I feel far more creative and relaxed in a clean space, but in this busy month we will do the best we can.

Weekend Cat Blogging #373 is hosted by Pam at Sidewalk Shoes.

Carnival of the Cats will be hosted this Sunday by When Cats Attack!

And the Friday Ark is at the modulator.

Weekend Cat Blogging #372

For Weekend Cat Blogging, we have a bit of simplicity and elegance.

Luna strikes a perfect pose in the living room of CatSynth HQ. Here is to hoping that today is as calm and focused as this image.

Weekend Cat Blogging #372 is hosted by Ritzi at Mind of Mog.

The Carnival of the Cats will be up this Sunday at Meowsings of an Opinionated Pussycat.

And the Friday Ark is at the modulator.

Weekend Cat Blogging and Photo Hunt: Song

Cats and music are core to what we do here at CatSynth, so the combination of Weekend Cat Blogging and the Photo Hunt theme of song would seem to be a perfect match. But when we interpret song more strictly as a particular type of musical composition, it becomes a bit more challenging. Here I attempt to get Luna to pose with some sheet music:

This is actually a page from the last song we need to record for our Reconnaissance Fly album. I also found another photo of Luna with sheet music (also from Reconnaissance Fly) in the archives:

Weekend Cat Blogging #371 will be hosted by Kashim, Othello and Salome at PaulChens FoodBlog?!. This edition is in honor of sher, a longtime participant of Weekend Cat Blogging and food blogger who tragically passed away four years ago.

The Saturday Photo Hunt is up. This week’s theme is song.

Carnival of the Cats will be up tomorrow at Mind of Mog.

And the Friday Ark is at the modulator.

CatSynth video: Luna and Eurorack Modular

Today, we at CatSynth have our very own “CatSynth video”. Luna looks on from her favorite beanbag chair as I attempt to operate the newly installed Eurorack modular synth.

This particular improvisation features the Metasonix R53, Make Noise Echophon, MOTM E350 Morphing Terrarium, and Circuit Abbey ADSRjr.

Our video was also posted yesterday by matrixsynth 🙂

Weekend Cat Blogging: Light and shadow

This week, we have an exercise in light and shadow with this Instagram photo of Luna on the window sill. It was taking around 1pm on a Sunday, not the best time of day for photos. But with cats, you can to take the shot when it happens using the tools at hand. The lighting places much of Luna in shadow, which makes her dark fur even darker. But there is also a patch of light on her fur.

Luna is happy to be home after I was out of town for a few days on my desert trip, which was full of quiet stark landscape, intense heat, and “self discovery.” I already shared one photo for the most recent Wordless Wednesday. I am sure I will be sharing more soon.

By coincidence Jules is also showing off light and shadow contrast on his black fur this weekend as he hosts Weekend Cat Blogging at Judi’s Mind Over Matter.

The Carnival of the Cats will be hosted this Sunday by Kashim, Othello and Salome.

And the Friday Ark is at the modulator.

Weekend Cat Blogging and Photo Hunt: Flash

It’s been a little while since we have done a combined Weekend Cat Blogging and Photo Hunt. This week’s theme is Flash.

I don’t often use a flash when taking Hipstamatic photos of Luna, but when I do I can get some interesting results.

In addition to the “laser eyes”, we see Luna posing with our heart-shaped kalimba.

Weekend Cat Blogging #368 is hosted by Jules and Vincent at Judi’s Mind Over Matter.

The Saturday Photo Hunt is up with this week’s topic Flash.

The Carnival of the Cats will be up this Sunday at Meowsings of an Opinionated Pussycat.

Weekend Cat Blogging: Fun with Highways

Today two of our frequent series collide. It’s a “Fun with Highways” edition of Weekend Cat Blogging as Luna poses near some of our California highway signs.

I-80 has obvious significance, as we live very close to its western terminus. Indeed, I used a clip of Luna with the I-80 sign back in April for the video performance I did at SOMArts. It was projected onto a two-story wall next to the I-80 terminal interchange.

By contrast, California Highway 41 (which runs from the coast through the Central Valley to Yosemite) is a bit more esoteric, but it might be part of a future conceptual art project.

Yes, we at CatSynth are a bit eccentric. But you probably already knew that.

Weekend Cat Blogging #367 is hosted by Pam and Smudge at Sidewalk Shoes.

The Carnival of the Cats will be up tomorrow at iMeowza, the home of Meowza who went to the Rainbow Bridge in May. We keep him and his family in our thoughts.

And the Friday Ark is at the modulator

Weekend Cat Blogging #366: Morning Rituals

it’s another busy weekend ahead of us, so just have a quick post featuring our common morning rituals here at CatSynth HQ.

There is coffee (in a cat-themed mug), newspaper on the iPad, and of course Luna.

A big thank you to everyone who wrote in last weekend to wish Luna a happy Gotcha Day.

This weekend marks the 7th Anniversary of Weekend Cat Blogging. This special edition will be hosted by Kashim, Othello and Salome at PaulChens FoodBlog?!.

The Carnival of the Cats will be up this Sunday at iInfidel.

And the Friday Ark is at the modulator.