Kat on a Korg PS-3300

Cool cat with a lion cut on a Korg modular synth. This appears to a vintage Korg PS-3300. From Very Records via Twitter.

Kat on a Korg.. 🙂

The PS-3300 is a rather rare synthesizer, but an impressive one. I did get to play the closely related PS-3100 early this year at the Vintage Synthesizer Museum. You can hear a bit in this video.

CatSynth Pic: Roland, Moog, Waldorf, Korg, Arturia, and More

This cat sits proudly atop a four-level stand of keyboard synths. On Row 3 (below the cat), we see a Waldorf Blofeld and Moog Little Phatty Stage Edition. Below that a RolandJX-8P and Korg MS-20. On the bottom row is another Roland keyboard. And on top, the cat’s paws are sitting on an Arturia Spark. The instruments behind the cat are left as an exercise to the reader.

From Dimitri Chatzigiannakis via Facebook.

Merce with Fuzz Box and Korg Mini Kaoss Pad

Our friend Merce the cat enjoys a nap on a fuzz box and Korg Mini Kaoss Pad. Via Merce’s Twitter feed.

Fuzz Box: Pillow and self


Merce looks very content, which of course makes us happy in turn. We love the retro lettering on that fuzz box. And we have a Mini Kaoss Pad although it hasn’t gotten as much love in recent years.