It’s been quite a while since Stevesteve last appeared on CatSynth, but we’re happy to welcome him back, along with his pal Bruce. We see in the upper left corner a Behringer Model D and CAT. To the left of those under a cover is a Moog Subsequent 37.
Our friend Gracie is back! She is guarding an Arp Omni-2, PPG Wave, and sundry other synths in the laboratories of Synthetic Dreamscapes, where my friend Alison works magic on these old synths (including our own Octave CAT and Yamaha RX5). You can find more at
To see more of Gracie’s many appearances on CatSynth, please check out her tag.
This little studio assistant, or el asistente de estudio, is checking out some great synth gear, including an ASM Hydrasynth; he also has his paw on a Rumble of Ancient Times from SOMA Laboratory. To the left our feline friend is a Moog DFAM.
El asistente de estudio chequeando los equipos de nuestra ESTUDIO WEEK 👀 👉 Actualiza tu estudio con el link de la BIO 🔗
¿Buscas subir el nivel de tus grabaciones? ¿Buscas hacer tus primeros temas o tu primer disco? ESTUDIO WEEK llega con una increíble selección de equipos de grabación para que puedas alcanzar el nivel que buscas 💪
As my Spanish isn’t quite good enough yet to translate the whole text, we’ll have to settle for Googlish
The studio assistant checking out our STUDIO WEEK equipments 👀
👉 Update your studio with the link in the BIO 🔗
Looking to level up your recordings? Looking to make your first tracks or your first album? STUDIO WEEK arrives with an incredible selection of recording equipment so you can reach the level you’re looking for 💪
Cammi Granato and Sidney Crosby are hanging out in the studio. We see (from left to right, clockwise) a Roland SE-02, Arturia MiniBrute red edition, Korg Minilogue, Moog Mavis, Subharmonicon and Mother 32; A large Eurorack System, Doepfer Dark energy, and more Eurorack. We also see musician Scott Smigiel.
Chester, the official spokescat of Triangle Synth Party, peers out at us through a window while sitting atop a Minimoog Model D. From Triangle Synth Party’s Instagram.
Join us as we host the second in our series of ambient outings. The first show went great, with a very attentive audience consisting of friends and experimental music enthusiasts, as well as those who just happened to stop by Rebus Works to shop or grab a bite to eat.
The location of the show (and the photo) is Rebus Works in Raleigh, North Carolina. Triangle Synth Party hosts synth events and discussions in Releigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, and elsewhere in the “research triangle” area of North Carolina. You can find out more on their Facebook page.
Musician Colleen (Cécile Schott) plays a beautiful live set on two Moog Granthmoders, several MoogerFooger pedals. Her cat Sol is sleeping blissfully atop a vintage Roland Space Echo (RE-201). Watch all the way to the end 😺
From the Instagram post of the same video:
Today you can listen to the suite of 3 movements that closes the album, “Night looping”, a homage to insomnia, to laying in bed at night and thinking in loops about the best and the worst that could happen to you, or that may already have happened to you… Available on all platforms. I hope you will enjoy this video of “Movement II”, which I shot in the sleepy presence of my beloved Sol one week ago. Technical explanations are in the subtitles of the video, and as usual, I’ll be happy to reply to any question you may have! As with the whole album, this song uses only one synth, the @moogsynthesizers Grandmother, and one delay, in this case the Moogerfooger MF-104M. Nothing else, and no digital production involved.