From milescosmo on instagram.
“His face is blurry because of the face melting keyboard solo he’s right in the middle of.”
Nice bow tie 🙂
From milescosmo on instagram.
“His face is blurry because of the face melting keyboard solo he’s right in the middle of.”
Nice bow tie 🙂
From Sun’s May Flower on YouTube, via matrixsynth.
Poly synth – Roland Super JX 10
Bass – Korg Monopoly
Synth Lead – Arp Odyssey
Strings – Solina String Ensemble
Drums – Akai S900Effects:
Reverb – Lexicon LXP 15 II
Analog Delay – EEM 2000 ST
Chorus – Boss CH1 Super Chorus
Stereo Phaser – Arion SPH2”
Spot the cat 🙂
Another picture courtesy of Regina Cherene via our Facebook page. This one features Lissette the cat near a Micromoog and sundry items.
From the group Cats on Synthesizers in Space on Facebook as well as their website. Yes, there is such a thing!
Submitted by our friend Rob Robinson via Facebook. Besides the Juno 2 on top, can you identify any other synths in Nina Dove’s studio?
From an eBay auction, via matrixsynth.
“The ultimate FSU rack sampler/synth. Includes vocal processor & D-50 modes. Comes with PCMCIA-to-CompactFlash adapter and 512MB CF card loaded with waveforms for synthesis exploration. Useful as an external effects processor, too. Clean condition, smoke free home, minimal rack rash on included ears.”
“The cat’s name is Kimball Collins (after the DJ).”
While not much interest per se in this specific synth, I have been a bit curious about the Roland D50/D550, mostly because I like the partials. If you have opinions about either the Roland V-Synth XT or the D50/550, please let us know in the comments 🙂
Submitted by Jacqueline Hendriks via our Facebook page.
“Nina loves synths! She is a real studio kitty :p”
Identification of the synths left as an exercise to the reader.
Handsome bengal cat poses next to a Roland synth that I had never heard of until now. Via matrixsynth.
“The Roland RS-101 is a 61 key string synth, which also includes a brass section. Being a string synth, it is fully polyphonic, but programability is limited. This is in pretty decent condition, and comes with a flightcase.”
Presumably, cat not included.
We at CatSynth love Mimi! And we’re happy to feature her once again, this time with a Roland SP-808(EX).
Submitted by Eric of polynominal. Definitely check out his site if you haven’t already.
Arrakis returns, this time with a Roland SP-808.  Submitted by Yann Antimoine via our Facebook page.