Cheetah is ready to serenade us from atop his massive modular synth. We see modules from Cwejman, Make Noise, Grendel, AtoVproject, Fumana, 4ms, and more, all in a beautiful wooden case by Matthew Goike.
Submitted by @iamshadowdancer via Instagram.
Cheetah is ready to serenade us from atop his massive modular synth. We see modules from Cwejman, Make Noise, Grendel, AtoVproject, Fumana, 4ms, and more, all in a beautiful wooden case by Matthew Goike.
Submitted by @iamshadowdancer via Instagram.
Big Merp loves attention and always wants to be where the action is. So it’s fairly common to find him on this spot between the MacBook Pro and the Modular system. And in this instance, he struck a particularly handsome pose 😻. You can see quite a few of our Eurorack modules, including our prized Metasonix yellow and silver tube modules in the upper left corner of the case, as well as many others that have appeared in our recordings and videos over the years. A full list of brands is in the tags.
This is also where we shoot a lot of our hardware demo videos, so it often ends up cluttered. But we always make sure there is space because you never know when Merp is going to jump up and say hi.
A beautiful black-and-white photo of a tabby cat in front of a modular system featuring modules from Mutable Instruments, Make Noise, Mordax, and more. I do like alliteration, but we do also see interesting modules from Noise Engineering and 4ms.
From hshmodular on Instagram. They also introduced us to Toulouse in this previous post.
Today we feature our very own Big Merp in the studio. He was assisting with our recent video on the Yamaha RX5 – specifically the “RX5USB” cartridge. We also one portion of our modular collection, including Metasonix modules, Rossum Morpheus, E350 Morphing Terrarium, Benjolin, Expert Sleepers, Sputnik Modular, Mordax, 4MS, Make Noise, Pittsburgh Modular, Koma Elektronik, 2hp, Folktek, and more.
This is the video we were working on at the time.
We also have a detailed tutorial for the RX5 itself
Today we have CatSynth pics with our very own Big Merp, who loves to jump up on the desk. Here we see him with our Yamaha RX5 drum machine and our massive modular system. The Metasonix modules are easy to spot, as are the Make Noise modules. We also have MOTM, Rossum Electro-music, Sputnik modular, 4MS, Malekko, Folktek, Mordax, and more as we get into the second grouping in the distance. We also see a bit of the Arturia MiniBrute 2 and Moog Mother-32. A fuller accounting can be found in the tags.
Snowy has found a nice place to nap atop this impressive modular system. In addition to the TipTop Audio case, we see offerings from many module-makers: Music Thing Modular, Dreadbox, Qu-Bit, 4ms, Toppobrillo, Shakmat, WMD, Westlicht, and more.
From Exit Chamber on Twitter.
Really want to make some bleeps and bloops but don’t have the heart to move this sleepy fluffball.
This is the gray Luna we met last year when she was hiding behind a Eurorack system. Here we see here sitting next to a similar system. From @panic_hardware via Twitter.
My cat has resting bitch face
Despite the sad visage, we are confident that Luna gets lots of Love. As for the modules themselves, we immediately recognize the 4MS Spectral Multiband Resonator with its distinctive ring of light, as well as the 4MS Tapographic delay right out front. The others will have to remain an exercise for the reader.
Cute black cat with a growing Eurorack system featuring modules from Noise Engineering, Hexinverter, 4ms, and Doepfer. From @sophia_hjkl on Twitter.
guess who finally getting into eurorack?
The adorable Meelee joins us today from Hong Kong with quite a setup. She has a Synthstrom Audible Deluge, a Moog Mother-32 and Subharmonicon, and sundry Eurorack modules including several from Mutable Instruments, Make Noise, Endorphines, Expert Sleepers, 4ms, Electro-smith, and more. Submitted by Jan Hohmann via our Facebook page.
The Deluge from Synthstrom Audible is a new one for us. It is a portable synthesizer, sampler, and sequencer. A very popular combination these days as we see many instruments that combine these features in different ways.
Vanilla the cat joins us from Guangzhou, China, with an impressive modular system. We see an Erica Synths Plasma Drive, numerous offerings from Endorphines and Make Noise, including a 0-coast; 4MS, Noise Engineering, the popular SQ-1 sequencer from Korg, and even a box from Elektron.
From complexwaveform on Instagram.