Elektron Analog Four and Octatrack

This cat has a pretty cool setup including an Elektron Analog Four – that’s one we don’t see as often – and an Octatrack. We also see a modular system, an FMR Really Nice Compressor, and the mixers and patch bays that are essential for any synth studio. From discotheque_sauvage on Instragram.

This is not the first time we have featured discotech_sauvage, their cat, and their Elektron instruments. Check out this previous post.

Albert with Korg Electribe, Roland SH-101, Elektron Digitone, more

Albert has found a nice sunny spot in the studio. We see a Roland SH-101, Korg Eletribe, and Elektron Digitone next to him. It appears that he is sitting on a Roland TB-303 (or similar) with a dark panel, and another rhythm machine.

Submitted by David Cole via our Facebook page.

Cat with Elektron, Roland, FMR Audio

A beautiful cat with their paws on Elektron Oktatrack (original edition), a Roland JV module (I’m pretty sure it’s the JV-1080), and an FMR Audio 1773 “Really Nice Compressor”. From discotheque_sauvage via Instagram.

We have one of those “really nice compressors” here in the studio at CatSynth HQ. It does live up to its name and is quite handy for live work as well as mixdowns.

Sissi Albert Moog

Sissy Albert Moog sits in the middle of a studio; quite appropriately, she sits atop a Moog semi-modular unit. We also see an Arturia MicroFreak, and offerings from Roland, Behringer, Dreadbox, Doepfer, Tiptop Audio, Elektron and more.

From nice_off_1 on Instagram.

My Home Studio (in progress) with Sissi Albert Moog 😺😊

We at CatSynth think the studio is coming along quite nicely.

Rituari 2022: Cat with Elektron Digitone

Illustration of a cat playing an Elektron Digiton

Today we have an illustration featuring a cat playing an Eketron Digiton. From plastichelmet on Instagram.

#rituari2022 ger idag drömdjur. Det blir givetvis #catsynth. Jag har köpt en begagnad synt idag men fÃ¥r fortsätta drömma om det som mÃ¥nga andra med synthar har – en katt som vill vara med i ljudskruvandet. Livet är orättvist för oss kattallergiker.


Translating from Swedish to Googlish:

#rituari2022 today gives dream animals. It will of course be #catsynth. I bought a used synth today but can continue to dream about what many others with synths have – a cat who wants to be part of the sound crew. Life is unfair to us cat allergy sufferers.

This appears to be part of a series of illustrations every day this month. And cat allergies are indeed a curse.

Orion with Modular and Elektron (Make Noise, Doepfer, Flight of Harmony)

An older photo of Orion with an Elektron Analog Four (Mk1) and a Eurorack system featuring a Flight of Harmony Choices joystick, various offerings from Make Noise and Doepfer, and more.

Submitted by Justin Sullivan (@justin3am) via our Twitter account.