NAMM: New Korg Synths and ARP Odyssey clone

One of the big announcements before the show was Korg’s new clone of the ARP Odyssey. It was up there with the Moog Modular and Sequential Prophet 6. So I had to see and play this one for myself.


Like most of Korg’s recent reissues of classic analog instruments, this version of the ARP Odyssey is about 80% the size of the originally. I’m not sure what it is with Korg making things “just a little smaller” than the original. But it did have the sound of the original – I tried, somewhat poorly, to play some lines from Head Hunters. And I was happy to see that had the original industrial design, including the Helvetica-style red lettering on black background that remains very distinctive. It would be interesting to play this along side my vintage Octave CAT. At just under $1000, it’s even possible one day.

Another new offering from Korg this year was the MS20-M kit, a kit variation on the MS-20. It was paired with the new and very compact SQ-1 CV sequencer.

MS20-M kit and SQ-1 sequencer

The MS-20M has no keyboard, but that’s not much of an impediment as one can control it via external CV.

At the small end of the spectrum there was the LittleBits SynthKit, a collaboration between Korg and LittleBits. We actually have one of these kits at CatSynth HQ.

LittleBits Synth Kit

CatSynth video: Taide’n Borg – Jorgos and The Revenge on the Iron Beast

From Sun’s May Flower on YouTube, via matrixsynth.


Poly synth – Roland Super JX 10
Bass – Korg Monopoly
Synth Lead – Arp Odyssey
Strings – Solina String Ensemble
Drums – Akai S900


Reverb – Lexicon LXP 15 II
Analog Delay – EEM 2000 ST
Chorus – Boss CH1 Super Chorus
Stereo Phaser – Arion SPH2”

Spot the cat 🙂

CatSynth video: Arnold+Sukroso – Role For Gold (official HD)

Via matrixsynth.

Spot these synths (every costume color plays a different track):
– Nord Modular G2
– Nord Rack 2
– Korg Kaoss Pad Mini
– AcPad Guitar Prototype (acoustic guitar with drum pads and MIDI controllers)
– an Electronic Drum Kit
– Bilbo The Cat 🙂

ROLE FOR GOLD is the first single of the upcoming SYNCHROTRON E.P. by the Berlin based one-man-band joint venture of drummer Sebastian Arnold and Robin Sukroso on guitar.

Slipping into the colourful roles of different electronic instruments, the two instrumentalists discover a golden place in the summer heat.

Concept: Arnold+Sukroso
DoP & Editor: Paul Alpha
Camera Assistant: Jonas Niemann
Set Manager, Costume Design & Make Up, Catering: Chrissi
Music written by Rainer Hirl
Music produced by Sebastian Arnold

Part of ‘Synchrotron E.P.’, Release 09.05.2014

Thanks: Location Reitwein, Boris, Tine Margot, Helene Cat Bilbo

No animals were hurt during production (except mosquitoes).

CatSynth pic: Arrakis, Poly 800 and other stuff

Arrakis and Poly 800

Submitted by Yann Antimoine via our Facebook page.

As a fan of the Dune series, I can say that we at CatSynth approve of Arrakis’ name :). Additionally, the Poly 800 II was among the first true synthesizer I encountered as a possible purchase (though I didn’t get it).

If you have a cat-and-gear picture to share, you can post it on our Facebook page, where you can also see additional cat posts and banter that don’t appear on the blog.

CatSynth pic: Korg Mono/Poly and Charlotte the Cat

Some sad news via matrixsynth. One of our frequently featured synth cats, Charlotte, recently passed away.


Charlotte appeared in many photos featured on this site, often showing disdain for the synths. You can see a few examples here and here. She lived a good long life of 18 years, but it is still sad to lose a beloved pet, and our thoughts go out to her family.

The post on matrixsynth also featured some cool filtered images of the Korg Mono/Poly.
