Submitted by sGodt on flickr:
CatSynth pic: Univox Mini-Korg
CatSynth pic: Daphne "Cluster"
From sushiluv, via matrixsynth, we have another image of Daphne:
Anyone want to identify synths?
Visit more Cats on Tuesday.
CatSynth pic
CatSynth pic: Korg DSS-1 Sampling Cat
CatSynth pics: Gonzo and Daphne return
Some more from our friend sushiluv and his cats Daphne and Gonzo. I think this is the first time we have seen them together:
Niki featured on catsynth and matrixsynth
Remember this picture submitted last week?
Well, according the site cleverCLAIRE (from San Francisco), the cat's name is Niki. You can see more Niki photos here.
Even without being able to read Chinese, one can easily get the gist of the post, though I did run it through babelfish just to get a better idea. It seems like they got a kick of Doktor Future's ailurophobic comments over at matrixsynth.
CatSynth pic: Is that comfy?
Bad Kitty Chaos Festival #4
Luna and I welcome everyone to participate in Bad Kitty Chaos Festival, fourth edition. As Megan suggests, we are having an optional theme of Cats and Music:
To participate, you can [strinke] use the handy submission form, or leave us a comment right here on this post. We'll have the big roundup this Sunday!
UPDATE: Megan and the Bad Kitty Cats have another crisis on their hands. Biscuit is missing. We hope she is safe and comes home soon. In the meantime, please leave a comment instead of the submission form.
And lest we forget, it is also Weekend Cat Blogging #113 over at masak-masak, where Ms G the “elusive ginger kitty” hosts. Samantha and Tigger host this weekend's Carnival of the Cats; and of course the The Friday Ark is boarding at The Modulator.
CatSynth: "Me, a synthesizer, and a cat."
No, not “me”, but leslie.paige at flickr. Her photo comes to us via matrixsynth:
Leslie says the she found the cat “near a dumpster.” We at CatSynth are always happy to hear about cats being rescued.
He reminds me a lot of Morty, who some readers might remember from this post.
Morty was also a rescue. He was found as a kitten by a rescue group and raised until he was ready for adoption. He was the original “Supa-Bad Kitty,” and quite a mischief-maker, really the opposite of Luna in a lot of ways. I still miss him sometimes, though.