Kat on a Korg PS-3300

Cool cat with a lion cut on a Korg modular synth. This appears to a vintage Korg PS-3300. From Very Records via Twitter.

Kat on a Korg.. 🙂

The PS-3300 is a rather rare synthesizer, but an impressive one. I did get to play the closely related PS-3100 early this year at the Vintage Synthesizer Museum. You can hear a bit in this video.

Moose with Make Noise 0-Coast and 0-Ctrl

Moose has found a nice spot behind the Make Noise 0-Coast and 0-Ctrl semi-modular synthesizers. Submitted by Galen Disston via our Facebook page.

Moose is putting together a sequence on the 0-Ctrl.

The 0-Ctrl and 0-Coast are quite a pair, a real-time sequencer control surface to go with a very playable semi-modular synth. We know Moose and his human are going to have a lot of fun making music with them.

CatSynth Pic: Moog One

The black cat is proud to own this Moog One synthesizer. From Jon Sellers via Facebook.

Yet again, I forgot to check the scheduling link to see if the room was reserved

Fortunately, Sam Sam and I have a pretty good arrangement for sharing the studio. Merp, however, prefers to drop in unexpectedly – but we have a good time.

The Moog One is quite an impressive synth for a cat or a human.

 Per voice, Moog One offers 3 newly-designed analog VCOs, 2 independent analog filters, a dual source analog noise generator, analog mixer with external audio input,