Kamal Sabran – Lighting, Thunder and Storm

A fun little jam from our friend Kamal Sabran and his cats. Watch for a close-up of our non-plussed feline friend grooming right through the jam. I like the way the drum sounds and rhythms have been chopped up with loops, delays, etc. And as always, I’m curious about what the reel-to-reel is contributing.

“CatSynth” artwork by Martin Hůla

We have another beautiful artwork from Martin Hůla. This one features color blocks with simple lines and shapes. It reminds me a bit of Miró, or even Picasso’s “three musicians” series (but with brighter colors).

From Hůla’s Instagram temnysily, which I highly recommend.

Cammi Granato and Sidney Crosby, Moog, Roland, Arturia, Korg

Cammi Granato and Sidney Crosby are hanging out in the studio. We see (from left to right, clockwise) a Roland SE-02, Arturia MiniBrute red edition, Korg Minilogue, Moog Mavis, Subharmonicon and Mother 32; A large Eurorack System, Doepfer Dark energy, and more Eurorack. We also see musician Scott Smigiel.

Submitted by db on Mastodon. You can follow us on Mastodon as well and submit photos/videos by tagging us.

Monty lays down some keyboard tracks

Monty is getting ready to lay down some more keyboard tracks. He is very prolific, just like his human, our friend Dave Newhouse, who was part of the pioneering band The Muffins and continues to release new music as part of numerous projects that we follow here at CatSynth.

You can watch our interview with Monty’s human Dave Newhouse as well as composer and musician Jerry King in this video.

You can see Monty’s previous appearances on CatSynth via his tag.

Maneki Neko DIY Light-controlled Synth

A cool “triple maneki neko” converted into a light-sensitive synth with light sensors, LEDs, volume and CV controls. From polwor.2 via Instagram

Resultados de las clases de “Diseño y Manufactura” para @elprimerextranjero !

Dos sensores de luz, perilla de volumen, CV, y luces


Chester and Triangle Synth Party

Chester, the official spokescat of Triangle Synth Party, peers out at us through a window while sitting atop a Minimoog Model D. From Triangle Synth Party’s Instagram.

Join us as we host the second in our series of ambient outings. The first show went great, with a very attentive audience consisting of friends and experimental music enthusiasts, as well as those who just happened to stop by Rebus Works to shop or grab a bite to eat.


The location of the show (and the photo) is Rebus Works in Raleigh, North Carolina. Triangle Synth Party hosts synth events and discussions in Releigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, and elsewhere in the “research triangle” area of North Carolina. You can find out more on their Facebook page.