Tuna, Novation Bass Station, Yamaha DX7

Tuna naps atop a Novation Bass Station and a Yamaha DX7. From thedigitalpurrgatory on Instagram.

Tuna reclaiming his spot.

Presumably, Tuna is reclaiming from Sora, whom we saw napping on this same Bass Station a week ago. We at CatSynth know this territorial rivalry all too well, as Sam Sam and Big Merp are constantly vying for territory and resources (i.e., they are being cats).

Monty and Nord

Monty is getting ready to play some electric piano on his Nord keyboard. From our friend Dave Newhouse (The Muffins, Moon X, and numerous other musical collaborations).

Monty helping with some keyboard tracks for Michael Bass and my collaboration album. (I especially like Monty’s Fender Rhodes sound on this one.)

You can see our interview with Dave Newhouse and Jerry King below.

You also check out his music at https://davenewhouse.bandcamp.com/